DuAnne is a very ordinary woman with an extraordinary God. She spent over 30 years in ministry with Briarwood Presbyterian, The Navigators at the Air Force Academy in Colorado, The Navigators at UCSD, Skyline Wesleyan Church, Women of Influence, Crossbridge Community Church in NYC, LEAD in NYC, Magnolia Springs Wesleyan Church and Eastern Shore Community Church.
She and her husband (Todd) have been married for almost 30 years. Their greatest blessing are sons, Matthew & Aaron.
Her desire is to help people reach their potential by living out their purpose and value in Christ through study and understanding Scripture. She believes her purpose is to share Jesus with the lost and help revive the hearts of God’s people.
DuAnne is semi-retired but on occasion will accept invites to speak at conferences and retreats. She is an intercessor and enjoys leading Bible Study groups.
Women of Influence (WIN) is an independent, non-profit organization that is committed to encouraging women to know and make Jesus known through the study of Scripture.