Focus on the Healer
Todd and I were at the Asbury Revival on Sun/Mon, February 12 & 13. After doing personal business with the Lord I began to intercede for others.
Praying for one another without visible results can wear us out and tempt us to throw in the towel. When we don’t see answers from God in the timeline we would like, we may be inclined to assume that if He were going to answer our prayers, He would have done so by now, But one of the most important dimensions of intercessory prayer is endurance. If our focus shifts we can grow more weary. As we patiently pray that God will answer our prayer by working in someones life, by providing or by healing it is possible to forget what our focus should be. It happened to me during my visit to Asbury University.
On Monday morning as I am praying for a precious friend with cancer and some pending results from tests I had last week, God clearly spoke to me and said “Focus on the Healer, not the healing.” As my heart shifted to the Healer, I am filled with peace, hope and joy. No longer weary during this prayer I am lifted and encouraged. Regardless of the outcome of my prayers it is well with my soul. I feel the presence of Jesus. I feel His love. I hope this does not sound too mystical or woo woo but as I am praying in Hughes Chapel I feel as though I am having an out of body experience. I know. I know. And I have deleted this sentence several times because I don’t want to be seen as too far out there. But I cannot deny what happened to me during this prayer time. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Hughes Chapel was difficult to describe but I have done my best.
On Thursday I spoke to my friend with Stage 4 Cancer. She asked about the Asbury Revival. She shared where she is physically. I only had one thought to share with her….Focus on the Healer not the Healing.