Personal Thoughts on Asbury University Revival
What is your desired travel destination? Is there anywhere you dream about going? My whole life I have wanted to visit Israel and Italy. A few days ago my husband and I traveled for a 24 hour visit to rural Wilmore, KY. The only thing in Wilmore is Asbury University and Asbury Seminary. That is all. As we were driving home I told my husband that I would have chosen our visit to Wilmore, KY over a dream vacation to Israel or Italy. Yes, it was that amazing.
You have probably heard about the revival or awakening at Asbury University this month. In case you haven’t…..On Wednesday, February 8th students met for the regular 50 minute chapel service. It didn’t end. Students were praying and worshipping God and some started sharing testimonies. Students started going to the altar for repentance and prayer. This service has not stopped as I write these thoughts today, February 16th. Today is Day 9.
News travels fast with social media and I heard about this on day one. As it continued into Thursday I began praying about going. I felt drawn to go but we own a business plus it’s a 10 hour drive one way. For a brief second we considered just one of us going. Both of us verbalized our desire was to experience this, whatever it was, together.
On Saturday night my husband and I started looking a flights and hotels. Nothing was available for Sunday. We felt drawn to go and continued to pray about it. We woke up early Sunday morning and left for Asbury.
As we were driving I prayed Psalm 51 in preparation. I felt God began to work in my heart during the long drive. I didn’t know what to expect but God was preparing me. He was convicting me of sin in my heart I needed to confess and repent.
We arrived at AU that evening. We got directions to Hughes Chapel and entered not realizing it was the front where the stage and altar is located. It was filled with people on their knees praying. This is where it’s difficult to verbalize.
It felt as if I had walked into a flowing spiritual river. It felt like we were on Holy Ground. It caught me off guard as tears started flowing down my face. I couldn’t stop silently weeping. The chapel was packed with many standing but we eventually found seats.
Interesting that there was no glitz, no special lighting, no screens, no sound equipment other than mics that the few leading worship used. A few students were leading worship. No one well known. There was worship, prayer, repenting, lots of repenting, and testimonies and scripture reading. No offering was taken. I’m still crying.
The whole service is focused on Jesus. I sensed a deep hunger for God from people. I sensed humility and a sweet spirit though out the packed chapel. I also sensed God’s love.
Time passed but it seemed like just a few minutes we were there. I didn’t want to leave but we had no idea where we were sleeping and needed a hotel. We quietly left the chapel with plans to return the following morning.
We enter the chapel on Saturday morning and it is packed with people of all ages. I noticed many people with grey hair. The chapel holds 1500 but I estimate up to 2000 were there.
We pray and worship. My tears are flowing again. The time we are there is gentle, sweet, peaceful and holy. I feel God’s compassion and love. The holy spirit is convicting me of things and I repent of but there is no condemnation. There is transparency, raw confession and repentance from people.
After less than 4 hours we know we need to get on the road. We walk toward the front exit and passed the altar and as we walk thru the door I feel compelled to go back and kneel at the altar to pray for a couple of people. Todd goes with me and we pray together.
Maybe I went to observe history in the making. I left as a participant that was changed.
“If I am lifted up I will draw all people to myself.” John 12:32
Cindy Taylor
February 17, 2023 @ 1:51 am
What a privilege to experience this special moving of God at Asbury. What an honor to stand with so many others whose hearts are yearning for Jesus. What a treasure, those moments you knew God was speaking directly to you. I’m so happy you got to experience one of those occasions when the veil between earth and eternity seemed thinner….someday face to face. Thank you for sharing this, DuAnne.
DuAnne Seeley
February 18, 2023 @ 6:09 pm
Cindy, Thank you so very much for your kind & encouraging words. It was indeed the trip of a lifetime and I will forever by impacted by our time there. xoxoxoxo