How To Have The Greatest Year Ever
How many of you are ready for a New Year? Everyone I know feels delight that the past 12 months are over. 2020 was a challenge for everyone in one way or another.
At the beginning of every year (and especially after 2020) is a great time to set yourself up for the greatest year ever. Is this possible? What if circumstances in my life and the world stay the same?
I believe that regardless of what is going on the world we can have a great year. The government and other people do not determine what happens at your house. Hardships will come and go. Tragedy will come and go. Obstacles will always be with us. People will pass away. A job will be lost. People will hurt us. Sickness will come. Bad things happen to good people. However your response to everything is your choice. If you accept that attitude is a choice you can change your world.
Allow me to add that I realize pain is real. At the same time I believe even pain can be used for good and bring glory to God. One of my favorite quotes is by Ernest Hemingway: “We are all broken, that’s how the light get’s in.” Jesus is the light. Joy is not the absence of pain but joy is presence of God.
Here are a few questions to set yourself up for the best year ever. I urge you to sit down with a journal, alone, with a cup coffee and put your thoughts on paper.
1. What have I learned?
2. What have I accomplished?
3. Who did I add value to?
4. What held me back?
5. Do I still love what I do?
6. Am I living out my priorities?
7. What habit or change would aid me most?
8. What would I try if I knew I could not fail?
9. What would I most like to change about myself and how might I do this?
10. What brings me the most joy and how am I going to do more of that?
11. What is one change I could make in my life that would give me more peace?
12. At the end of this year, how would I like to be different?
At the beginning of every year I get alone and answer questions such as this. At the end I also choose a focus word for the new year. I like to choose a word that defines what I hope to achieve and then try to think about this word daily. Some words I have chosen in the past have been Intentional, Transform, Connect, Renew and Revive.
Feel free to share your focus word in the comment section.
My prayer is that this post serves as a catalyst to your best year ever.