The Gift
At this time I have learned more about good days and bad days with dementia. On my last post I shared how my mom did not know my name on Sunday. Even after a 3 hour visit she could not say my name and only spoke one word at a time. Yesterday (just 2 days later) I receive a gift. My mom knew me. We spent 2 hours together. At first her words were slurred and garbled so I just listened, smiled, held her hand and looked at photos with her. 45 minutes later she can talk in sentences and we spend over an hour talking and laughing together. Mom wanted to know if my father had been baptized. She asked about one of her granddaughters (Moriah) and commented on her beautiful hair as we looked at photos. It was a wonderful 2 hours.
As I was leaving I hugged her tightly and told her I was so happy I could spend time with her, She responded by saying “I am too honey. I miss the others but I am glad I moved to Fairhope.” This was huge for me. And one of the greatest gifts I will ever receive.
Hospice cannot tell me how much time mom has but being with her is a gift.