A New Chapter
This week we begin a new chapter in our lives.
Change is part of life and should be embraced. There is no growth without pain but no growth without change. Knowing that change is good enables me to expect it and love it.
Over 5 years ago in my family and I moved to South Alabama where Todd could serve as Senior Pastor at Magnolia Springs Wesleyan Church. What a pleasure it has been to serve, get to know them, love them and become a family together.
Almost immediately after arriving God put on his heart the burden and passion for MSWC to become a multiplying church. That has been our prayer over the past 5+ years. Todd’s desire is to plant a church on the Eastern Shore, Mobile and Gulf Shores. At a result of prayer God is answering that prayer.
After arriving we found the former pastor had told the congregation, the staff and several in the community that MSWC was dying and folks should jump ship. Though the church did indeed have big problems as he advised us, GOD IS BIGGER THAN ANY PROBLEM YOU HAVE.
In the past 5 years we saw 270 pray to receive Christ for the 1st time, 47 Baptized and 62 new members.
We praise God that though we only had 3 youth when we arrived, the youth ministry grew to over 30 on Wednesday nights and sometimes over 50 for special worship events. Many lives were transformed.
The children ministry started with 3 kids and grew to over 50 on Wednesday at our new Awana program. Many lives were changed.
Another highlight was starting the contemporary service with new people not from other churches but from the harvest. During the time we had 2 services the average attendance was higher than it had been in over 10 years according to office records.
In June we began preview services on the Eastern Shore with a core team of folks. Our plan is to have a public launch in January, 2016.
As you obey God’s Word you can expect change in every area of your life. Last week was our last at MSWC. A new pastor has been found and will begin on September 20th.
How have you changed lately? Is there an area of life that you need to change? Job? Geography? Relationship? Association? Church? Denomination? Habit? Schedule? Would love to hear! Join the conversation!
For updates on our progress go to http://www.EasternShoreCommunityChurch.com.