Are You Living Your Passion?
Passion: Strong or powerful emotion. Boundless enthusiasm. Zeal. Devotion to a cause. Intense feeling. Desire for something. An irresistible motive for a belief or action. Strong love.
I believe God gives every person gifts, talents and to the Christian he gives a spiritual gift(s). Whatever your design it will tie in with your passion. Living out your passion is a way to give God glory.
What is your passion? Are you living it? Life is too short not to.
My life vision and goals have fluctuated a little over the years but I am grateful to have lived a passionate life. A passion needs to be developed to reach highest potential. I am grateful that God has provided wonderful people in my journey…mentors, books and life experiences to help with my personal growth and development. Without coaching my life might have been void of continued passion, or at the very least passion that ran dry.
I can’t list every personal mentor or book that impacted my life but here are some of the most significant ones: John Thompson, Dennis Beatty, Sheryl Fleisher, Curtis Tanner, Frank Barker, Elisabeth Elliott, Fred Wevodau, Dan Reiland, Tim Elmore, Steve Babby, and John Maxwell. These people believed in me and took me to a higher level.
Show me a person with passion and I will show you someone with an insatiable thirst for personal growth. Narrow down your passion and you can narrow down the type of mentors you should seek out. Look for coaches because without them you will never be all you can be. I still seek mentors. Pam Shaw is my new mentor. Who is yours?
My greatest passion is to glorify God as I add value to people. Here is how that has looked over my life:
• Started a new ministry at a juvenile delinquent home, then staff.
• Staff at Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Birmingham
• Staff with The Navigators, US
• Conference & Retreat Speaker
• Staff at Skyline Wesleyan Church, San Diego
• Founding President of Women of Influence
• CrossBridge Community Church, NYC
• Life Coach & Mentor with LEAD
• Co-Founder of Bridge Christian Academy
• Magnolia Springs Wesleyan Church
• Director of Bridge Christian Academy
• Mary Kay, Inc.
My function is different today than in my 40’s. At this point in my life my choice is to pour into other leaders. I am drawn to those who already have leadership qualities with a desire to develop a platform to use those gifts for the glory of God. Women with a strong leadership gift need opportunities to be mentored by like minded women. This is still lacking in 2015.If you are female with leadership gifts and desire coaching contact me. My email is See
My passion is to glorify God as I coach an area of women that are independently successful, spiritually & emotionally healthy, financially stable who add value to others in their circle of influence.
All of my life has prepared me for today. Coaching women. Mentoring. Adding value to others. Enriching women’s lives. Through my Lord Jesus Christ. And through lipstick? Who would have thought?