Best Way to Spend an Hour Today: New Year Evaluation
Life is busy and a new year is a great time to evaluate and look at where you are and where you are going. Here are a few questions I find helpful to answer which force me to focus on the priority of life and not get lost in the trivial.
1. What are my fondest memories of 2014?
2. What did I learn about God, myself, calling, my spouse, my children?
3. When in the past year did I feel the most alive to God? Why?
4. What were my defining moments?
5. As I move into 2015, is a majority of my energy being spent on things that drain or energize me? What drains me? What energizes me?
6. What books impacted me most in 2014? What books should I add to my read list for 2015?
7. What should I keep doing…stop doing…start doing?
8. In what areas of my life do I most want to grow in 2015?
9. What mentors will I seek out to achieve my growth goals?
10. What am I committed to do in 2015 to design my life? In other words, what will I do Monday through Friday to be intentional about my growth? Spiritual, Family, Health (emotional, physical & mental) and Financial goals)
I want to be better in 2015 than I was in 2014. To do this I have must schedule my priorities. So I will put those things in my calendar that I say are the most important. I have learned that our lives are simply made up of the habits and attitudes we possess daily.
What would you add to this list?