10 Things Which Will Disqualify You From Leadership
Yesterday someone came to me asking for prayer and counseling about a difficult job situation. This morning as I was praying for her I began to think about people I have seen in churches and organizations that should not be in leadership. For over 30 years I have seen this situation at local churches where I have served and also churches where I have worked as a consultant. Good leaders realize nothing will kill your efforts to grow and the work of the Holy Spirit if you are in a church or organization with leaders serving who are not qualified. Therefore a strong leader will deal with this as soon as possible.
It is always better for the church or organization to STOP a ministry until you have people to lead it who meet your qualifications. I believe in spiritual transformation and that people can grow and develop. However for damage control sometimes you need to postpone a ministry to train, develop and reorganize your team.
How do you know if you have the wrong person in leadership? Here are some excellent thoughts written by Brian Dodd that capture the disqualifications.
10 Things That Will Disqualify You From Leadership by Brian Dodd
Whenever I talk with leaders we often discuss what a leader is and what a leader is not. Many times they focus on skills and the ability to complete a task or assignment. While those things are important I remind them of something MORE IMPORTANT. Something which is enduring. I remind leaders of the following:
1. Loyalty alone does not make you a leader. But disloyalty disqualifies you from being one.
2. Honesty alone does not make you a leader. But dishonesty disqualifies you from being one.
3. Integrity alone does not make you a leader. But a lack of integrity disqualifies you from being one.
4. People skills alone does not make you a leader. But a lack of people skills disqualifies you from being one.
5. Generosity alone does not make you a leader. But selfishness will eventually disqualify you from being one.
6. Self-control alone does not make you a leader. But anger will eventually disqualify you from being one.
7. Being under authority alone does not make you a leader. But rebellion disqualifies you from being one.
8. Trustworthiness alone does not make you a leader. But being untrustworthy disqualify you from being one.
9. Respect alone does not make you a leader. But disrespect disqualifies you from being one.
10. Dealing with conflict does not make you a leader. But not dealing with conflict will disqualify you from being one.
So how do you respond when you have a person in leadership who has disqualified himself?