Do You Know Who You Are?
Who are you? There are numerous benefits to knowing who you are. Knowing yourself will enable you to know others. It is only when you understand your strengths and weaknesses and how God has made you that you will be able to live a life of greatest impact. Not to mention personal fulfillment. Do you know what your sweet spot is? Using your gifts will energize you. Studies show that up to 80% of people are in jobs they dislike. Ouch. You can be part of the 20%.
I’ve helped teens and seniors figure out what their gift mix is. It is never too late to learn. If you think you are too old then you might as well die. If you are alive God still wants to use you. Even if you are 75 I believe knowing who you are can enable you to leave a better legacy and impact for eternity. You are only a decision away from making the rest of your life the best.
I have a high tolerance for people different from me. That in part is attributed to studying and learning personality, strengths and spiritual gifts of others different than myself in my early 20’s. I don’t believe there is just one way to do something nor is there always a wrong way and a right way. There can be a variety of ways. When I see opinionated, negative and critical people I see people who not only don’t know themselves very well but they don’t understand others. Having a “we” and “them” attitude is sometimes due to an attitude of feeling different is wrong. Different is just different. It’s okay to be different. The apostle Paul learned to be all things to all men in order to reach some.
When I take on someone new to coach or mentor I do a personal evaluation which includes spiritual gift assessment, DISC, Myers-Briggs, Strength-Finder and Ministry Profile Discovery. It is after this Discovery Phase that I can coach and mentor in personal and ministry life. I have seen people resign from ministry because when they were in the wrong position. Have you considered quitting lately? Knowing yourself will enable you to find the right seat on the bus. Using your strengths will bring great joy.
For over a year I took a break from WIN and LEAD (2 ministries I serve) to help my husband with his church. I love and adore my husband but when we first arrived the church had such great need that I spent 60 hour weeks on admin just helping with the jump start. For over 20 years I was used to having my own admin support and I was the lone administrative person for the whole church. I’m good at admin but it is not my sweet spot or what God called me to do. One morning during my devotional time I had a wake up call during prayer. I was off my faith path and needed to make some decisions. With my husbands full support I pulled back and today he chooses how I serve him very carefully. My job is to lift his load and do for him what others will not and cannot do. I am an innovative and strategic leader with the gift of leadership, teaching, faith and evangelism. Prayer is a strong conviction and therefore a priority. In DISC and Strength Finder my profile is Achiever and Developer. in Myers-Briggs I am ENTJ. Beginning or Leading new ministries and Spiritual Transformation roles are a natural fit. i.e. Coaching, Mentoring & Leadership Development. I enjoy helping someone develop a working strategy to live out their vision. Looking back at over 25 years of ministry I understand how mentoring others and coaching has been a source of fruit and joy. This is my design.
What about you? Have you discovered your sweet spot? Are you in the right seat on the bus? Where can God use your gifts for the greatest return for the kingdom? Sometimes timing is an issue but it is never too late to late to get on the faith path you were designed for.