My Chronicles of The Daniel Plan, Week #2
Today is Monday, January 6, 2014. On January 29th my husband started a new teaching series at church called “The Daniel Plan.” This is my chronicle.
For one week I have been on the detox phase which is not required but after scorning 148 on the medical questionnaire I knew I needed this. No coffee. No caffeine. Nothing processed. None of the 5 whites: sugar, flour, pasta, potatoes or rice. (sweet potatoes and brown or black rice allowed.) No wheat during detox.
7 days. Not hard at all. I did purchase some special herbal teas to replace my morning coffee that I love. I have not felt deprived. I expected to go through major withdrawal but I did not. Todd has lost 5 lbs. I have lost 2 lbs. Neither of us went hungry.
This simple plan is far more than a diet plan. It is an appetizing approach to achieving a healthy lifestyle where folks are encouraged to get healthier together. The 5 key essentials are faith, food, fitness, focus and friends.
I feel different. I have not been hungry. I have thought about chocolate and ice cream. But I have not given into temptation. Becoming healthier has been part of my devotions and prayer time.
Here is The Daniel Plan in a nutshell…
50% non-starchy vegetables
25% healthy animal or vegetable proteins
25 percent healthy starch or whole grains
Drink – water or herbal hot or iced teas
“Then God said, I give you every seed bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it.” Genesis 1:29