10 Questions To Refocus Your Life
Everyone I know is busy. Kids. Teens. Young Adults. Middle Aged. Older Adults. If you are alive and breathing you are probably busy. I think being busy is ok as long as you are living according to your priorities.
As I prepare for my retreat before the fall schedule starts back up, I wanted to share some basic questions I will be reflecting on. These questions are from Bob Biehl. In addition to these I will also pray through what the Lord has been speaking to me about through Scripture.
- What is my single greatest strength? (What do I “do” the best?)
- What three decisions are causing me the greatest stress?
- What is overwhelming me?
- What impassable roadblock has me stuck?
- If I could only do three things before I die, what would I want to do?
- What should I resign from or drop out of? (Peter Drucker said, “Efficiency is doing things right, effectiveness is doing the right things.”)
- What can I postpone?
- What things on my “to do” list can someone else do at least 80% as well?
- What are the “elephants” in my schedule? (Pareto said, “If you’re Noah, and your ark is about to sink, look for the elephants first.”)
- What are the three things I could do in the next 90 days to make a 50% difference?
What would you add to a personal retreat?