7-Signs You Are Not A Good Friend
Relationship is what will give your life so much fulfillment and meaning. A true friend is more valuable than gold. Yet real friendship seems to be such a rare commodity these days. A true friend is a real friend. People seem to value convenience over real relationship. Being a good friend takes time and commitment. It takes being truthful with grace. Transparency with trust. Freedom to be honest.
Are you a good friend? Don’t assume you are. Here are 7-signs that you are not a good friend:
1. You are negative. Every one has a bad day now and then but if you always see the glass half empty you will drain the life out of those you are with. Being positive is a choice. Show me a person who is consistently negative and I will show you a person who is not feasting on the Word of God. You cannot bask in the presence of God on a regular basis and remain negative.
2. You are easily offended. You get your feelings hurt a lot and people feel like they have to walk on egg shells around you.
3. When you get hurt you pout. Instead of putting on your big girl panties and dealing with it in a healthy way you hold a grudge.
4. You’re high maintenance. You get jealous of their time and other friends.
5. You are two faced. You are one way with some people and another way with others. You are not consistently the same.
6. You blab. With any information you get from a “friend” you share it with others because it makes you feel significant to be privy to such.
7. You would prefer them to please you rather than the Lord or His Word.
What would you add to this list?