For months I thought about what to give my son for his 16th birthday. I sought advice. I surfed the web. I asked other teens. I solicited feedback on FB and Twitter. No idea received had the impact that I desired. Not even a car would have the punch I was looking for. As most parents I deeply love my child. I wanted to give him something spectacular. Something life changing. Was it possible? Yes. With God all things are possible.
Two months prior to Matthew’s birthday I asked 16 men Todd and I highly respect if they would write a birthday letter to him. My request was that the letter contain one piece of advice they would recommend on manhood to a boy turning 16. Everyone I asked is extremely busy. Some travel around the world. Some are highly sought leaders and mentors. Some are quiet leaders in their own world. These adult men are passionate Christ followers as well as husbands and fathers. They are everything we pray that Matthew will one day become. I was humbled at the response. As the letters came in I put them unopened in a binder.
At the birthday dinner I presented the wrapped binder last. On the cover was a title page that said 16 Letters to a Boy Turning 16. He was moved and after reading the letters said it was his favorite gift. It had the impact I had sought for.
Special thanks to all who impact the lives of youth today. It is my desire to see kids everywhere grow in character, discipline, self-esteem and leadership as they reach their potential in Christ. Only then will we see successful and healthy adults that impact culture.