Aaron is 13!
It’s official. Aaron is 13. We love to celebrate and for his 13th we took the fam to Disney World. We were at Animal Kingdom on his big day and lunched at Rain Forest Cafe. Very Cool. Keeping with our tradition I want to share 13 things I like about my son. Forgive the gush. Hey, it’s who I am.
1. I like that Aaron is sensitive. Praying that God will use his sensitivity for his glory one day.
2. I like that he has a good work ethic. He is a hard worker and after a quick calculation it looks like he averages over 15 hours a week working at the church. Not bad for a 13 year old. Most important is that he really does seem to do it for Jesus, with a great attitude and without being asked.
3. I like his passion. Aaron has a passion for the right things. Jesus, Scripture, Music, Excellence, Family, Learning.
4. I like that Aaron is a perfectionist. Praying that this does not drive him crazy one day but serve as a catalyst for good.
5. I like that Aaron is a reader. He reads books not for entertainment but for personal growth. Not bad for a 13 year old.
6. I like that he is not a crowd follower. A benefit to this is that he is willing to stand up for what is right.
7. I like that he chooses his heroes and mentors carefully. In January he attended The Gathering with his father and was thrilled to meet some of my old heroes like Dan Reiland, John & Margaret Maxwell, Steve Babby, Harry Wood, etc. Getting his pic made with some of these giants was on his bucket list.
8. I like that Aaron desires to make good grades. Appreciate that he is already looking at colleges.
9. I like that he is independent. Since 2 he has said “I can do it.”
10. I like that he has a soft heart for animals.
11. I like that Aaron is organized.
12. I like that he keeps his room clean without being asked.
13. I like that he still enjoys spending time with his parents.
My boys are not perfect because we are all sinners. But without a doubt I can say of all the 13 year olds in the world he is the one I would choose to be my son.
Aaron, I will love you forever and like you for always.
Love, Mom