The Advantage of Being Ordinary
Recently I read a sentence in a book that served as a catalyst for some conversation today about being ordinary. In “Forgotten God” by Francis Chan he says “I don’t want my life to be explainable without the Holy Spirit.” In other words he wants folks to know there is no way he would be doing what he is doing without the power of the Holy Spirit in his life. Those thoughts impressed me to think about the grace of God in my own life.
I am an ordinary woman. If I were not ordinary it would be tempting to take credit that is not mine. My life might look different. I imagine I would have accomplished some things but not amazing things. I have lived an extraordinary life for over 30 years.
Our desire to be all we can be is from God. With the Holy Spirit our passions can result in actions that are honorable and holy. The advantage of being ordinary is that we can be used for some amazing things that make us soar like eagles.
Today I thought of so many ordinary people who are involved in some amazing things. There are too many to mention but a few…
Jan Owen – Jesus developed her heart for worship and she went from volunteer singer on a church plant worship team to worship pastor at a church. Today she works full time training worship leaders around the world with her organization “Give Worship.”
Bob Taylor – I was a pastor at a church were Bob attended and served on the worship team. He had a passion for music and guitars and started his own guitar shop. Today his guitars are considered one of the best you can own.
Deirdre Risman – Grew up in a dysfunctional and non-Christian home. Made a few poor life choices. Got saved later in life and now is a leader to other Christian women. She is a coach and mentor to home school moms with Hope Christian Academy.
Who do you know that is ordinary but living an amazing life?