Relationships That Transform
People influence us. Once I heard someone say they can accurately predict the future of someone by seeing who they hang with. Our friend Dr. David Babb told Todd and I that if there are two kids who are friends and hang out together, one good and one bad, the good one will always sink down to the level of the “bad” kid. Every time. I like what John Maxwell teachers about this: The five most important people in your life will determine your level of success in life.
Jesus’ call to people was not complex. He simply said, Come, Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men. (Mark 1:17) Over and over, to all kinds of people, in many different situations, He said Follow Me. The core definition of a Christian is one who trusts and follows Jesus. Jesus was (and is) the ultimate transformer.
His followers had a single priority (to seek first His kingdom) and a single loyalty (to himself). He called people to be with him and to go for him. Just being with him was a transforming relationship. To develop their faith he tested them. He wanted them to learn that the secret of knowing God and doing his will was not in learning routines, imitating his style or doing good things in their own strength but in faith. The result of being with Jesus is transformation.
Who do you hang with? Who are the five most important people in your life? Who or what is transforming you?