Are You On Fire For God?
On Monday my 11 year old began reading a biography on Benjamin Franklin. We have enjoyed hearing Aaron share interesting facts that he is learning. I remember reading “Mr. Franklin often went to hear a pastor speak by the name of George Whitfield because he enjoyed watching him burn before his very eyes.” I believe that we as Christians should be on fire for God. In Jeremiah 5:14 God said, “I will make my words in your mouth a fire.” On that occasion God was referring to fire as a judgment. But God similarly makes our words fiery in order that His people may become aflame with holy love, zeal and obedience.
When our hearts are on fire for Jesus our words will be on fire. When we are on fire people will be drawn to us. Fire attracts. Fire motivates. Fire kindles fire. It is the nature of fire to set ablaze. Do others see this fire in you? The constant tendency of fire is to go out. The Holy Spirit does not waste divine energy. If we don’t obey God and live out of fellowship with him, the grace he desires to pour out on us will cease. God supplies the fire, but we must keep it burning. We are spiritually most blessed, most victorious, most at peace, most usable when we are ablaze.
Was there a time when you were more on fire for God than you are today? Our tendency is to cool off spiritually and lose our zeal as we get side tracked by the every day affairs of life. Personal revival will return as repent of sin and turn from it, renew our commitment, and live the spiritual disciplines. It is our choice whether we neglect the Holy Spirit, quench the Spirit or fan the flame of the Spirit’s presence.