#1 Job Of A Spiritual Leader
This week I have been reading through Habakkuk. From his example I continue to learn the the #1 job of a leader is not being a “doer.” As a prophet his job was to feed and guide his peeps but this was not his first priority. His #1 job was his own personal walk with God. I imagine to live that out he had to turn down several other ministries that he could have been involved in. He probably had to turn down time with people to guard his walk with God. Maybe he referred some counseling requests to others. I wonder if folks got ticked off at him because he did not do everything they thought a spiritual leader should? Maybe he went to bed before midnight so that he could get up while it was still dark to pray. Do you think he turned down watching much TV so that he could live out his priorities? I imagine the choices he made caused others to question what he was doing at times.
In the New Testament, we learn that Peter gave himself to the Word of God and Prayer. This is the #1 job of a spiritual leader.