Thirst And The Leader
Natural born leader’s rarely hang in the back of the pack. Why? Because their thirst drives them to the front. They are on a mission, with a big vision, large goals and godly ambition urging them on. Where does this thirst come from? Thirst is a compilation of God’s work and call in our lives with experiences, spiritual gifts, heritage, personality, mentoring and more. Our response to this thirst will determine how we are used to impact the kingdom.
The Lord did an amazing work in my life when He saved me. One result of His grace is that when I was 17 I had a thirst to share the Word with people in a way that would not increase knowledge but change lives. This drove me to start a weekly Bible study that high school and college students attended. In my early 20’s this same thirst motivated me to start a ministry in a juvenile delinquent home. My thirst drove me to invest 15-20 hours a week with those kids as I went to school and worked full time. A combination of God’s call, His power and your thirst will enable you to do what most think is impossible.
What are you thirsty for today? Don’t let fear keep you seeing how God can use it for His glory.