Playing it Safe
I grew up hearing a variety of ole wives tales and today I have been thinking about one from my childhood. Better safe than sorry! Are you kidding? Who in the world made that one up? Funny how these sayings can stick with us even as adults. Todd has been interviewing pastoral candidates and though a few would love the opportunity to minister in NYC on Staten Island, there are just as many who send resumes but are fearful of the possibility of making a change.
So thankful that I did not play it safe…
- when God put on my heart to resign from a church ministry position I loved even-though I did not have another job waiting.
- when I agree to move anywhere the new ministry organization wanted me. (they chose San Diego 🙂
- when 9 years later I accepted a new pastoral staff position with John Maxwell.
- when I accepted a date request from Todd Seeley in 1993
- when I said I Do in 1994
- when I agree to move from San Diego to Birmingham to Madison.
- when I agree to support Todd in church planting on Staten Island.
Have you ever felt sorry for playing it safe? When have you been most grateful for stepping out in faith?