Making A Great Decision, Part II
Today we will look at how we can approach a few decision areas, and compare possible choices with kingdom mindsets.
I should do my studies in whatever area I’m most gifted in. Or…While a gift is important, it is not the only factor I need to consider. I am willing to study any subjects, and serve in whatever position God wishes to place me in His global army.
I should get a job as a ____. Since that’s what my training is in. Or…I’m willing to change my career even if it seems foolish according to the values of this world.
Missionaries are usually spiritual people. I’m not gifted or spiritual enough to become a missionary. Or…missionaries are not super spiritual Christians; they are normal people seeking to be used by God among unreached people.
If I am not called to be a missionary I need not be concerned about missions, as it is not my purpose in life. Or…no matter where I am, I will always try to see that His name is made known among people.
We need a call to be a missionary but a call is unnecessary for any other vocation. Until I receive a call from God to be a missionary, I’ll just choose my own career in the secular world. Or…I need God’s direction to be an engineer, a lawyer or a nurse, just as I do to be a missionary.
I need to take on a job with a reasonable good salary in order to provide for myself and my family, and to ensure a comfortable future. Or…I will seek God’s direction for my career, trusting that as I follow Him, He will provide for the needs of myself and my family.
I can make friends with whomever I please, just as long as they are Christian. Or…my closest friends will have the same commitment to Christ and His purposes as I do. My spouse will need to have a vision compatible with the one God has given me.
I am so busy with life that I don’t have any time to give to relationships with other Christians. Or…I’m purposefully investing in relationships with other Christians so that I’m part of a thriving, challenging, supportive community that sharpens me.
Why establish relationships with unbelievers? We don’t relate anyway. Or…Establishing relationships with unbelievers can be hard but it is worth it to be able to eventually share the love of Christ with them.
As long as I give 10% to the church, I can do what I want with the rest of my money. Or…All that I have and own is God’s. He has entrusted it to me and I shall always seek His direction when I invest it.
It is my right to live a comfortable life with a big house, nice car and all the trimmings. Or…I cannot claim a right to comfort when the average income of most of the world is far below mine. The advance of the kingdom takes precedence.
If God blesses me financially; it’s a personal benefit to me. Or…If God blesses me financially, it is so that I can be a blessing to others.
Poor people are poor because they are lazy and don’t work hard enough. I don’t really feel sorry for them. Or…I’ll seek to care about the poor whenever and wherever possible. Jesus is my example. Many of the poor are victims of a more powerful segment of society and many are also unreached.
As long as I go to church on Sundays I can do whatever I want for rest or relaxation for the rest of the week. Or…I want to be careful to use my time as well as I can. Life is from God, to be lived for Him and His glory.
There is so much work to be done, I’ve no time for rest or relaxation. And there is world with great needs out there. Or…We need times of refreshment so that we will have something to give to others. Keeping personal time with God and family must be a priority. My ministry should be an overflow of my personal relationship with Jesus. My family is a priority.
I’m willing to minister for Christ as long as I can live ___. Or…I’m willing to live wherever Christ sends me, trusting Him to provide for me and care for my family.
The journey in God’s spiritual kingdom for His purposes will work out differently for each of us. We begin at different places, at different ages, and take varied steps in diverse circumstances but all can contribute to the same end. It is encouraging to me that we can be significantly involved right were we are. We can center our lives to become an active part of Christ’s purpose on earth. There will be great joy in living out our purpose. And until we understand this purpose nothing else in life will make much sense.