Do You Have A Kingdom Mindset, Part II
To have a kingdom mindset means that each and every day and in every situation I desire to glorify God by having His heart and mind for the lost world. To be a Kingdom minded Christian means to be focused on God’s unchanging purpose that all people would be blessed by being born again. People with a non-kingdom mindset instinctively try to find their security in whatever they think will ensure that their self-interests are met.
Why does God save us? What is His purpose for our life after we are saved? Jesus calls us to the awesome privilege of fulfilling the Kingdom work He began on earth. But in day-to day living, seeking God’s kingdom goes against the grain. Many Christians today want to seek first His kingdom in their daily choices. However, most struggle with what it actually means to live for one kingdom, rather than the other. There are at least 3 reasons why it is true that we struggle to have a kingdom mindset.
1. Ignorance of the existence of opposing kingdoms
Although we do hot hear bullets whizzing past our heads, nor the sound of bombs exploding, Satan is constantly waging war against the army of our God. Depending on decisions we make, we are always siding with one or other distinct kingdom. Ignorance of the existence of both kingdoms results in making wrong choices.
2. Lack of role models.
We do not have a mindset for God’s kingdom because of a lack of role models. As we look around, it appears most Christians are living and making decisions just like we are. Unconsciously, many are living according to the values and standards of the world around them. There are few who live in the world but not an actual part of it.
A local church youth pastor planned an area wide evangelistic youth event. Over 700 kids attended and over 200 made professions of faith. He was so excited until his senior pastor did not rejoice and instead informed him that his ministry was at his local church and not the kingdom. This senior pastor lost a passionate staff member because of desiring personal glory more than Gods glory. Needless to say the people in that church do not have a senior pastor who is a role model for having a kingdom mindset.
3. Unwillingness to give up control or comfort to live for Christ.
Sometimes, the problem lies within ourselves. While we profess to live for Christ we still don’t want to give up control or comfort to do this. We explain away Christ’s words, “whoever wants his own life will loose it” and instead believe Satan’s lie that we need to take care of ourselves. This way the enemy not only destroys the joy of knowing Christ but also the impact we make in His name!
On the next post we will discuss how to make decisions with a kingdom mindset vs. a personal mindset. In the meantime, be thinking about why you selected the church you currently attend. And don’t say because God told you it was the one! Thoughts?