Do You Have A Kingdom Mindset?
Are you more influenced by the world or the Word of God? Most Christians would be quick to say the Bible influences them more than the world. Not so fast. The best way to determine this is to do a personal self evaluation. But first let us clarify what a kingdom mindset is. Having a kingdom mindset each day and in every situation means having God’s heart and mind for the world at all times. This will inform and give passion to our prayers. Our prayer “Thy Kingdom Come” will take on a whole new meaning and passion.
When we are kingdom minded we see everything around us in a different light. It means we will evaluate our decisions and choices in light of the kingdom vs. according to personal comfort and desires. For the sake of the kingdom we choose not to demand our rights at every turn. We will desire His way vs. our way. Yes, having a kingdm mindset means caring about the lost world vs. having personal needs met.
Our friend Ben Arment posted a blog titled “The Mother Ship” which talked about how most Christians choose a church. Do you choose a church based on what you can give to make a difference or based on what you can get? This consumer mentality is not a kingdom mindset.
I have been thinking for several weeks about this topic and will continue it tomorrow. Would love to hear your thoughts. Comments?