Know Yourself
How well do you know yourself? A key process of capturing His vision for your ministry relates to the refinement of knowledge. Proverbs 13:16 says “The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways, but the folly of fools is deception.” One of the most important types of knowledge you can process is knowledge of yourself: how God has created you and how you perceive the world in light of your gifts, abilities, experiences and character. Without this insight, the chances of your being able to fully grasp the detail of His vision are slight. Here are just a few areas to look at:
1. Start at the beginning. Why are you in the ministry? Forget about the stuff you were taught in Bible college or seminary. Go one-one-one with God and honestly tell Him why you are in the ministry. What is your motivation?
2. Ask tough questions. Identify your values, attitudes, assumptions and experiences. What is it that excites you about ministry? What keeps you awake at night? What are your passion points?
3. What in ministry turns you on and off emotionally? During what situations do you feel most alive?
4. What makes you cry? Why?
5. If you could only accomplish only one task in life, what would it be? (Be honest with this one!)
6. Which passages of the Bible speak most loudly and consistently to you?
7. Who are the 5 most important spiritual mentors/spiritual leaders in your life right now? Why?
These are just 7 of 70 questions that I like to ask people I am mentoring in leadership. These questions are just designed to get you thinking in areas that must be examined to know yourself. God wants to use you in a special way but you must be a leader who is committed to knowing and serving Him, which requires having a firm and accurate understanding of your character, capabilities and heart. What would you add to this list?