Caught in the Storm
Most of America has been closely following Hurricane Ike in the past 48 hours. Unbelievably it was reported to be almost the size of Texas…600 miles wide! Ever found yourself caught in the storm of lif?. Jesus was the Son of God and never sinned, but he was caught in a storm. Demanding crowds, doubting friends and a roaring sequence of bad news. Within a 24 hour period he faced some of the same pressure and fears that you and I face. Waves of pressure, winds of anxiety and clouds of darkness. Yet he remained calm and at peace. How did he do this? Is it possible for us to do this? Here are 3 principles Jesus modeled:
1. He knew when to withdraw and did so.
2. He focused on the big picture.
3. He chose to trust and surrender to the Father’s will.
Someone wrote that God is heard best in a storm. Do you agree? Why or why not?