Coffee With A Stranger
A few days go I got up early, grabbed a cup of coffee at a drive thru and went to the library in Hoover to use my lap top. I was disappointed to find the library closed but decided to sit on a bench outside and wait over an hour for it to open. As I pulled out a notebook to begin working a man walked up and after finding the library closed asked if he could sit down. Seeing that the man had a kind face and was in his 70’s I said yes. The next hour was one of the most fascinating I have had in a long time. Bill was a former military and FBI special agent who had lived all over the world. He has been married for 54 years next month and raised 4 children. It was interesting to hear his stories but what I found most encouraging was his passion and gratefulness for life with a desire to continue growing and giving to others.After retiring from the FBI he took a position teaching ROTC at the high school I attended. He was actually there at the same time as I was but we did not figure that out until the end of our hour together.
When the library doors opened we went our separate ways. I was richer and more encouraged to live a life of passion, putting everything I’ve got into everything I do.