Who Do You Hang With?
I heard Oliver North share that “Half your life will be defined by the people you hang around.” John C. Maxwell writes that the five most influential people in your life will impact who you become. Scripture teaches that bad company corrupts good character.
Who do you hang around? Another way to ask this is where is your time spent? What you watch on television or see in movies will impact who you are and your world view. Who do you hang with on the Internet?
Who are the five most influential people in your life? These people will influence who you become. What worldview do they hold? What do they think of your life vision and goals? What they think will impact who you are becoming.
There have been times in my life where I needed to evaluate who I was spending time with. I have continued to learn that just because someone is a Christian and active in church does not mean that we share the same passions and priorities. God has taught me that I can minister to anyone but I need to choose my closest friends carefully. Because those closest to you will impact who you are today and what you are becoming.
Pull out your datebook and look at the past month. Who did you spend time with? Is your datebook empty of people who are impacting your life in a positive way? Do you spend so much time in ministry to others that you lack the peer relationships or mentoring that will stretch and challenge your life? Who are you doing life with? Who is modeling what you would like to do? Who are your heroes? Your network is your net worth.