What Do You Think About?
A Christian woman called for advice. She was warm, intelligent and actively involved in her church. She was married with children. She was having an adulterous affair with another Christian man. How does this happen? I can’t go into a 4 hour counseling session on this post but the bottom line is before the affair she thought about it months before crossing the line into an emotional and physical relationship. She often thought about her disappointment with with not feeling cherished by her husband. She thought about her disappointment with where she was in her life. She thought about many other things and eventually she begin fantasizing about the husband of a close friend. Two years into the affair she is caught and wants help in how to save her marriage and handle the crisis.
Someone once said that what you think about you bring about. Scripture itself says “as a man thinks so he is.” What do you think about before you go to sleep at night? What is the first thing on your mind when you wake? What do you think about during that drive to work? While doing housework?
If you fill your mind with the right thoughts it will be amazing what you can accomplish. What have you been filling your mind with lately? This week? What are you reading? What are you watching on television?
“This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” Joshua 1:8