The Power of a Leader
I was the first one to smell smoke as we were sitting in our family room last Friday evening around 10pm. It was that electrical burning kind of smell. Have you ever smelled your hair dryer as it was about to burn out? That is what each of us began to smell. Our kitchen and family room is a large area and we could not find the source of the smell. It was there even-though we could not see it. We decided to call 911 and request that the fire department send over 1 or 2 fireman in a car to check the house out. We certainly did not want to go to bed with the chance of an electrical fire at hand. The two men in a car did show up along with 5 siren & lights blaring firetrucks and what looked like 50 men running to our front door. I couldn’t believe all the fuss over our little request for help from 1 or 2 fireman. It was very impressive to say the least. This was our first experience with NYC’s finest. We certainly got a powerful response from just picking up the phone and calling 911.
As a leader we have the power of God available to us. It’s called prayer. All great leaders for God have fashioned their leadership in the wrestling’s of their prayer closets. It is prayer that releases God’s power. You can be great in your plans, great for your opinions, great for your organization, great for your speaking, great for your writing or natural gifts. However, as a leader you will never be great for God unless your leadership is plugged into the power source. It is only by this power that anything of eternal value happens.
I’ve learned that for me, Ephesians 6:18 means in addition to my morning quiet time with the Lord that I carry an attitude of awareness, dependence and listening throughout the day.
As women in ministry we have a choice. We can engage our call merely on our own strength, gifts and talents or we can draw upon the ultimate power available. How are you doing? Do you find the busyness of life as a women in ministry crowding our time for prayer? It starts with you. If you are a praying leader your ministry will be one of prayer.