Responsibility of an Equipper Mentor
Have you ever thought about how our definition of words define how we think about things? Today I was thinking once again about the 7 types of mentors and how important it is to define the function of each before we seek one out. An equipping mentor is probably the easiest to describe. Webster defines equip as to make ready, instruct or provide what is needed. The equipper is very, very practical. Equipping is not a theory but is the nuts and bolts, the how to. A person who will train you in ministry is equipping you. Have you had someone train you to share your faith, speak, write, teach, disciple another? Many of you reading this blog are equippers. You help others to have a personal ministry by equipping them. Do you train others to lead small groups? Do you train people to lead worship? Do you train a women’s leadership team to minister? If you do these things you are an equipper.
Because we have blind spots it’s helpful to have a mentor like this in your life. An equipper mentor will help fine tune the leader’s skills to minister. How about you? Who are you equipping and who is helping you to be more effective in ministry?