Where Do You Find A Teacher-Mentor?
How does one find a teacher-mentor? It’s not that difficult. The first step is to identify the area you want help in and the second step is to look for someone who has had success in that area. The more you can specifically identify what you want the easier it will be for a mentor to link you to resources that can meet that need. Normally we think of a teacher as one who presents knowledge but a teacher-mentor has a much broader influence. Here is how a teacher-mentor will help you…
1. Personal success in the area you need help with.
2. Ability to organize and communicate information in a practical and relevant way.
3. Links mentorees to resources.
4. Helps empower mentoree to have success in an area.
5. Motivates mentorees to continue learning.
I am very motivated to grow and have taken advantage of this type of mentoring all my life. Last Saturday I called a good friend in Alabama, Sharon Maguire to say hi and catch up on family news. While on the phone with her I gleaned some valuable parenting insight on parenting and helping your kids to succeed in school. Sharon and her husband Ken are great people, parents, have kids older than mine and she has also spent many years as a teacher. Sharon has children with asthma and was helpful a few years ago in pointing me to good resources to get my son properly diagnosed with a treatment plan. Because she had the personal experience and success she was more helpful than his pediatrician who was unable to give a correct diagnosis. Sharon was able to refer me to a specialist who immediately identified an illness that could be life threatening if left untreated.
What about you? Can you identify a need in your life that you desire help in? A new ministry position? Leading an evangelistic Bible study in your neighborhood? Developing a speaking ministry? Growing as a woman in ministry? Developing discipline in having a daily quiet time? Prayer? Starting a new business? Financial planning? Church Planting? Starting a Bible study at your office? Marriage? Is God challenging you to help others?