WARNING: Divine Contacts Are Coming Your Way
Occasionally, God may bring a person into your life who is a divine contact. I believe this is God ordained. This is a tool God uses to bring about his purpose in your life. The result being a word of counsel, an insight, a question, encouragement, or a new direction that you had not even considered. These divine contacts will frequently not know they are being used in your life, but you can take advantage of them as God-given resources sent along at just the right moment. Think about a large puzzle on a table. In the tapestry of your life God uses a variety of means to accomplish his purpose. Proverbs 16:9 says “The mind of man plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.”
While enjoying a hot cup of coffee at my desk I can think of many such contacts that God used in my life. No time to list them all but a few that come to mind…
- Al Broom – I met him at a church service in San Diego a few days before moving back to Birmingham. He strongly recommended I visit Briarwood Church, a church that was not even in his denomination. After just one visit God began to open up doors for me to receive mentoring and eventually I went on their full time staff.
- Angie Griffin – I met Angie at a clothing store. She invited me to a Bible Study on Friday nights for college students. At the study I met John Thompson (pastor) who became a mentor in my life.
- Skip Gray – A conference speaker I met at a Campus Outreach event. Skip offered me an opportunity with The Navigators which I served on staff with for 9 years.
- Crawford Nevins – A godly layman at Briarwood who joined my prayer team while on Nav staff. As a result of people praying the Lord did supernatural things in the ministry. At a campus that was known as a spiritual dessert we experienced consistent conversions for Christ and believers developed to labor in the harvest. God used Crawford to develop my own dependence on prayer and to better understand the power of prayer.
- Sheryl Fleisher – I met Sheryl at a lunch with Dennis Beatty. She became a long term mentor in my life and eventually we served on the same pastoral staff together under Dr. John Maxwell.
At the time of these casual encounters I had no idea how they would impact my life. I can think of so many more and I bet you can to. What divine contacts have you had that altered the course of your life?