Take The Heart Test of Mature Leadership
How can you tell when a church or ministry is well led? Here are two quick tests. The first is to look at the heart of the people under the leader. Who they are is a reflection of the one who leads them. You reproduce what you are. Are they grounded in their faith? Is there love? Is there grace? Are they reproducing leaders? Are they growing in holiness? Is there healthy confession and forgiveness? The mission of the church, and the purpose of church leadership is to develop mature Christians.
Another test is to observe the heart of the leader. Do they allow negative things to take up residence in their heart? Do they have unresolved anger in their heart? Unforgiving? Are they critical of another? Do they have a selfish heart or one of abundance? Do they show God off vs. showing off themselves or their church? Do they give God the glory for what he has done? Do they have integrity? Is the heart of the leader controlled by the Holy Spirit or by fear? Does the leader take the high road? Every one can blow it now and then but us it a pattern?
God has blessed me so much to have worked with many godly men and women in leadership. But with 20 years of ministry I have also seen immaturity. We are given a heart full of treasure and talent, feelings and desires. In short, God has granted to us potential realities for leadership and success at many levels. It is our job to dig up whatever potential we have. The choice before us is whether we are going to keep our potential buried or choose to step out in faith and see that potential turn into reality. This will bring glory to God.