Are You A Leader?
I have always appreciated John Maxwell’s simple definition of leadership. Leadership is influence. Therefore a leader has followers. Hitler was a leader and he had many followers. But his influence was evil. The bigger issue is what kind of influence one has.
Here are some insights about influence I learned from John Maxwell while serving on his staff team. If you haven’t read his book “Developing The Leader Within You” I urge you to add it to your personal growth book list. These things are in his book. It was written in the 90’s but leadership principles are timeless.
1. Everyone influences someone.
2. You may not realize the influence you have on someone.
3. Good influence is the best investment in people.
4. Influence is a skill that can be developed.
Leadership does encompass so much more. Jesus is our ultimate leadership model and he certainly had more influence than anyone in history. In future posts we can talk about this more.