7 Lessons I’m Leaving Behind
Last week I read a very moving article about Randy Pausch, a father and professor who is terminally ill. He gave a last lecture for his students with his children in mind. See the entire speach at www.Parade.com. To summarize, here are are the 7 great lessons he gave to his students:
1. Always Have Fun
2. Dream Big
3. Ask For What You Want
4. Dare To Take A Risk
5. Look For The Best In Everybody
6. Make Time For What Matters
7. Let Kids Be Themselves
If you were leaving a ministry what would you hope to leave the women you had invested in? Here are a few that came to my mind:
1. Women who are passionate followers of Jesus.
2. Women who keep their family #1.
3. Women who say “yes, Lord, I’m willing to go anywhere, anytime and do anything.”
4. Women with God’s heart for the lost world.
5. Women who are secure in Christ.
6. Women who trust God for the impossible.
7. Women who use their influence by investing in the next generation of leaders.
What would you add to this list?