Are You A Woman In Ministry?
Help! Are you a woman in ministry? I recently wrote an article for a pastor’s coaching ministry on “The Making of a Woman in Ministry.” Currently I am working on a research project. If you are female and on a ministry staff or volunteer staff I want your help. Would you consider answering the following 7 questions:
1. Who are your heroes and mentors? Tell of their impact on your life.
2. Describe your ideal job description.
3. Name the 3 most influential books you have read and approximately when you read them.
4. What causes you the most frustration in your ministry?
5. Have you ever experienced burn-out in ministry? If yes, explain.
6. As a student of leadership, what specifically are you working on to become a better leader? Fill in the blank, I would be a better leader ….
7. How are you doing in your personal devotional life? Are you closer to God today than you were a year ago?
To complete the survey just hit “comment.” If you prefer to remain anonymous to other readers you can email survey feedback to me at Thanks so much for your help!