The Bottom Bottom Line
We focus on personal growth and leadership development. Jesus did too. He loved the world, helped many and discipled a few. But the bottom bottom line of any ministry effort must be reaching a lost world with the gospel. Our passion is to better equip women in leadership to reach those that others are missing and then multiply their leadership. The temptation sometimes is to forget our purpose as we get fatter and fatter just feeding ourselves because we enjoy eating. No matter how many good activities we are involved in, until we are impacting the world and reaching those without Jesus we are not doing what God called us to do.
On Sunday night a woman said to me “all of my friends are non-believers.” I was so excited to hear this. She is out there planting seeds and influencing women for Christ. Who is on your “Top Ten” list? If you don’t have one stop now and make a list of 10 women you know who are not Christians. If you can’t think of 10 then ask God to put 10 pre-believers in your life. He will.