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First Love
“‘As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.’” John 15:9 (NIV) A friend of mine recommended a book she was sure I’d like. It didn’t seem interesting to me, but on her recommendation, I purchased it. As suspected, I didn’t like it after just a couple of […]
Post Parting Depression
“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” Dr. Seuss
The Blessing of Pain
The Blessing of Pain ShowerBathOpen a tea bagCookEatHold a glass of waterMake coffeeHold a cup of coffeePick up a tea kettleWash or dry my hairWriteUse my computerTextDrivePut on clothesTake off clothesPut on shoesTake off shoesClean my homeExcerciseGrocery ShopPut on makeupOpen any kind of can or jarSleep in a bedSleep more than 2 hours at a […]
Worship and Intercession Part 1
Last week on a zoom prayer call I asked that we start with worship before intercession. Worship goes hand in hand with intercession. Whether corporate or our private prayer time, worship releases intercession. In Revelation, the smoke of incense, together with the prayers of the saints went up before God from the angel’s hand. (Rev. […]

Focus on the Healer
Todd and I were at the Asbury Revival on Sun/Mon, February 12 & 13. After doing personal business with the Lord I began to intercede for others. Praying for one another without visible results can wear us out and tempt us to throw in the towel. When we don’t see answers from God in the timeline […]

Personal Thoughts on Asbury University Revival
What is your desired travel destination? Is there anywhere you dream about going? My whole life I have wanted to visit Israel and Italy. A few days ago my husband and I traveled for a 24 hour visit to rural Wilmore, KY. The only thing in Wilmore is Asbury University and Asbury Seminary. That is […]
Transitions I Didn’t Ask For
Webster defines the noun transition as “the process or period of changing from one state to another.” The verb is “to undergo a process or period of transition.” When my first born was just 24 hours old my husband walked into the hospital room and found me crying. He asked why I was upset and […]
What’s the BIG Deal About Forgiveness?
What’s the big deal about forgiveness? Should people who do bad things be forgiven? Can the hurt be too deep to forgive? Maybe you have tried but just can’t forget. There is a difference between forgive and forget. Over my life I have talked to many who choose to hold onto a grudge and refuse […]
How I Went From Surviving to Thriving
For the majority of my life I was high energy, driven, positive and needed little sleep to feel fabulous every day. Over 10 years ago my health started to decline. Eventually I started feeling like crap on a daily basis. I loved my life but my health was making it difficult to do the things […]
How To Have The Greatest Year Ever
How many of you are ready for a New Year? Everyone I know feels delight that the past 12 months are over. 2020 was a challenge for everyone in one way or another. At the beginning of every year (and especially after 2020) is a great time to set yourself up for the greatest year […]